As I stood high on the mountain top with the crosswinds blowing thru my hair
Buffering my body, gently caressing my face, breathing in the pure brisk arid air
Surveying the picturesque scenery before me as the sun starts to rise
The beginning of a new day, rejuvenating the earth and it’s creatures
Birthing new life, ending or extending old ones as the evolution continues
I raise my head, turning it skywards to view the clouds as they go scudding by
Reminding me of the old technicolor Hollywood reels of the nineteen century
Flickering at the blink of an eye always changing, reshaping, faster, slower
Stunningly vistas, mesmerizing with their bright green, brown, blue and white grandeur
I feel as if I am can touch God, so in tuned, enthralled I am with my surroundings
I am experiencing the power of nature untouched by humans
A peacefulness, a sereneness unfurling, flowing thru my mind, body, spirit and soul
An inner fire burning brightly, renewing, healing all the charred, torn and battered pieces
Spreading hope, determination everyday I am still here is a miracle, I am blessed
I close my eyes and remember another time almost thirty years ago
I was on a road in a bus climbing a twisting, steep, winding road deep in the forest
Moving from shadows to daylight as the rays of the sun beam down thru the trees
Looking out the windows as we skirted the edges of the cliffs and valleys below
A little frighten at the speed, heights, dangers that lurked at the wrong turn of the wheels
Here was another situation of which I had no control I offered a prayer up to God
Secure in my faith, relying on him to guide and lead our driver to a safe landing
On this journey to find enlightenment, a retreat, seeking I knew not what
I hope I have not lost you, please stay with me, I know I’ve veered a little off track
Because as I am writing there so many pictures and thoughts flowing thru my mind
I sometimes become somewhat confused as to my goal, while searching for clarity
This is how I sometimes feel, a wee bit lost, on uncharted grounds, seeking my truths
I’m like a drunk in rehab trying to get sober, stumbling, clawing my way out of a vortex
Beseeching, crying, reaching, grasping for deliverance from the abyss, the unknown
Like a boxer in the final round, weaving, bobbing, trying to evade the knockout punch
The same fire that was lit so many year ago are reigniting my spirit, my determination
So many memories of the ways I have felt God’s hands lending me his strength
Sustaining helping to keep my eyes focus on the prize! SweetSweet Life!
There’s highs and lows at every point in our lives, just like the hills, curves in the roads
To survive we must learn to adjust, revalue, plan and be relentless in our pursuits
I don’t want to live on the fringe and just exist, I must participate, be active, care
Even if I am afraid, I will muster the courages to take small steps, one at a time
Holding my tired, marred and beaten body upright and together as the best I can
I am going to sit down now, enjoy the view, rest my mind for a spell until another time
I’m like the shift shaper of olden Indian lore, you’ll never know how or when I will appear
For everyday that I feel the wonderful warmth of the sun on my face, take a new breathe
It illuminates my inner being, clears my vision and brings me great joy
By the mercy, grace and love of my Lord it will all be A-Okay! Thank you Jesus