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The Table

Writer's picture: Christopher ColanderChristopher Colander

In meditation today I was reminded of God’s promises in Psalms 23. There is one promise that particularly stood out above the others. God promises that He will prepare a table in the presence of my enemies.

Naturally, I rejoiced as I envisioned this huge table full of delicacies and assortment of food that my enemies are unable to prevent or participate. Feelings of justification, vindication, and anticipation swept over me at the thought of finally showing my enemies up. I was sure this table was Gods way of showing me off and rewarding me for my righteousness. I’m sure you can identify! However, as the Holy Spirit began to speak to me I felt a conviction in my spirit about my desire for an envy table. A table where I am gloating in front of my enemies. The Holy Spirit reminded me of Jesus's words " if you enemy is hungry feed them...or gloat when your enemy falls or rejoice when he stumbles ( Proverbs 24:16) NIV

You can imagine the unsettling and conviction felt spiritually due to my misinterpretation of God's reminder and promise. In pride, arrogance, and selfishness I wanted my enemies to experience the pain of what they did to me. Nevertheless, God had a bigger and better plan for my enemies. God wanted me to be the instrument for making his love known.

The Bible teaches us that we were once enemies of God and enemies of the cross of Jesus. Yet God didn't bar us from the table of Grace he bought us to the table and allowed us to partake of his Mercy! We are saved by Grace because God had mercy on us instead of requiting us for our transgressions. Now we can pray with sincerity forgive our debtors...pause and think about it for a moment.

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